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  • Temporary Filling Material
  • Eugenol Free
  • Quick hardening
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A SmartTemp 40 gm 210 165
  • High-ductile material
  • Moisture activated
  • Does not contain eugenol
  • Quick hardening (4 minutes)
  • Safe tooth cavity sealing
  • Applicable for paedodontics


SmartTemp is a paste consistency, adaptive in nature temporary filling material which hardens upon contact with moisture in Oral Cavity. The marginal seal of the material is excellent, so it makes tight seals and closure of the working area.


  • Zinc Oxide
  • Calcium Sulphate
  • Poly Vinyl Acetate Resin


  • As a temporary filling material for Root Canal Procedures
  • Cavity Restoration and Inlays and implant abutment sealer


1 x 40 gm Jar

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