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This document is an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and Terms of Use for access or usage of domain name [] (“Website”), including the related mobile site and mobile application, if any, (hereinafter referred to as “Website”/“Platform”) with immediate effect.

1. Definitions

In this “Terms of Use” agreement, the following words shall have the following meaning:

A.  “Buyer”, “You”, and “User” shall mean any natural or legal person who has agreed to become a buyer on the Platform by providing Registration Data while registering on the Platform as Registered User using the computer systems with purpose to access the Platform to buy/purchase the Product/s or/and Service/s from the Platform.

B.  “INSECTA”, “we”, “us”, and “our” shall mean M/s. INSECTA, a partnership firm having its registered office at Plot No 52/94, Road No. 11, Mahavir Nagar, Samantarapur, Bhubaneswar 751002, Odisha, India or any of M/s. INSECTA’s authorised point of supply.

C.  “Principal Representative” shall mean the authorized agent / representative of the Product Manufacturer / Importer and / or Original Equipment Manufacturer in India

D.  “Product(s)” shall mean any tangible item available for sale on the Platform including but not limited to clinical supplies that are produced by various manufacturers and available for sale on the Platform.

E.  “Seller” shall mean either INSECTA or any authorised vendor approved by INSECTA to sell their product(s) / service(s) on the Platform.

F.  “Services” shall mean any intangible benefit by the Buyer against a decided and agreed-upon payment.

G.  “Transaction” shall mean the process of buying the Product(s)/Service(s)

H.  “Product Manufacturer” or “Original Equipment Manufacturer or OEM” shall mean the entity that manufactures the Products displayed for sale on the Platform.

I.  “Website” shall mean the online platform available at the domain name and the mobile applications, if any, of INSECTA on any kind of App.

When You use any of the services provided by Us through the Platform, including but not limited to, (e.g. Product Reviews, Seller Reviews), You will be subject to the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such service, and they shall be deemed to be incorporated into this Terms of Use and shall be considered as part and parcel of this Terms of Use. We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use, at any time without any prior written notice to You. It is Your responsibility to review these Terms of Use periodically for updates / changes. Your continued use of the Platform following the posting of changes will mean that You accept and agree to the revisions. As long as You comply with these Terms of Use, We grant You a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the Platform.

2. Membership Eligibility

Transaction on the Platform is available only to persons who can form legally binding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872. Persons who are "incompetent to contract" within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 including undischarged insolvents etc. are not eligible to use the Platform. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18 years, you may use the Platform or access content on the Platform only under the supervision and prior consent/ permission of a parent or legal guardian.

INSECTA reserves the right to terminate your membership and/or refuse to provide you with access to the Platform if it is brought to INSECTA's notice or if it is discovered that You are under the age of 18 years and transacting on the Platform without supervision of legal guardian.

3. Your Account and Registration Obligations

As a “User” of the Platform:

A.  You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Display Name and Password

B.  You shall be responsible for all activities that occur under your Display Name and Password.

C.  You agree that if You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete or We have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with the this Terms of Use, We shall have the right to indefinitely suspend or terminate or block access of your membership on the Platform and refuse to provide You with access to the Platform.

Your mobile phone number and/or e-mail address is treated as Your primary identifier on the Platform. It is your responsibility to ensure that Your mobile phone number and your email address is up to date on the Platform at all times. You shall be solely liable and responsible for all the activities undertaken under Your Account, and any consequences therefrom.

You agree that INSECTA shall not be liable or responsible for the activities or consequences of use or misuse of any information that occurs under your Account.

4. Communications

You will be required to provide a valid phone number while placing an order on the Platform unless provided at the time of getting registered with the Platform. By registering Your phone number with Us:

A.  You consent to be contacted by Us via phone calls, SMS notifications, mobile applications and/or any other electronic mode of communication in case of any order or shipment or delivery related updates.

B.  We will not use your personal information to initiate any promotional phone calls or SMS unless opted by you.

C.  When You use the Platform or send emails or other data, information or communication to us, You agree and understand that You are communicating with Us through electronic records and You consent to receive communications via electronic records from Us periodically and as and when required.

D.  We may communicate with you by email or by such other mode of communication, electronic or otherwise.

5. Business Sell against GSTIN for input tax credit to the Buyer

A.  Upon Your purchase of product(s) eligible for business purchases or for any other purpose, You may be able to avail the benefits of GST input tax credit. Accordingly, at your request, an invoice containing the GSTIN as provided by You ("Tax Invoice") shall be issued to You by INSECTA while selling such products.

B.  You shall independently agree upon the manner and terms and conditions of delivery, payment, insurance etc. with the seller(s) that You transact with.

6. Charges

Membership on the Platform is free for buyers. INSECTA  does not charge any fee for browsing and buying on the Platform. INSECTA reserves the right to change its Fee Policy from time to time. In particular, INSECTA may at its sole discretion introduce new services and modify some or all of the existing services offered on the Platform. In such an event INSECTA reserves the right to introduce fees for the new services offered or amend/introduce fees for existing services, as the case may be. Changes to the Fee Policy shall be posted on the Platform and such changes shall automatically become effective immediately after they are posted on the Platform. Unless otherwise stated, all fees shall be quoted in Indian Rupees. You shall be solely responsible for compliance of all applicable laws including those in India for making payments to M/s. INSECTA.

7. Use of the Platform

You agree, undertake and confirm that Your use of Platform shall be strictly governed by the following binding principles:

A.  You shall not host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information which:

B.  You shall not use any automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Platform or any of its content. We reserve Our right to bar any such activity.

C.  You shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Platform, or any other systems or networks connected to the Platform by any unauthorised/illegitimate.

D.  You shall not make any negative, denigrating or defamatory statement(s) or comment(s) about Us or the brand name or domain name used by Us including the terms INSECTA/ or otherwise engage in any conduct or action that might tarnish the image or reputation, of Us or Brands/Trademarks/Copyrights etc. available/associated on the Platform.

E.  You shall not use the Platform or any of its content for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use.

8. Contents Posted on Platform

All text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music and artwork (collectively, "Content"), associated to any product related any brand and its claims are liable to manufacture of the same and INSECTA has no control over content as INSECTA is merely an Platform for the purposes of this Terms of Use.

Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Platform and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way (including "mirroring") to any other computer, server, Platform or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without INSECTA’s express prior written consent.

You may use information on the products and services purposely made available on the Platform for downloading, provided that You:

A.  do not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents;

B.  use such information only for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose;

C.  do not copy or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast it in any media;

D.  make no modifications to any such information; &

E.  do not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such documents.

You shall be responsible for any notes, messages, emails, reviews, ratings, opinions, ideas, images, or other materials or information posted or transmitted to the Platform (collectively, "Content"). Such Content will become Our property and You grant Us the worldwide, perpetual and transferable rights in such Content. We shall be entitled to, consistent with Our Privacy Policy as adopted in accordance with applicable law, use the Content or any of its elements for any type of use forever, including but not limited to promotional and advertising purposes and in any media whether now known or hereafter devised, including the creation of derivative works that may include the Content You provide. You agree that any Content You post may be used by us, consistent with Our Privacy Policy and Rules of Conduct on Site as mentioned herein, and You are not entitled to any payment or other compensation for such use.

9. Privacy

We view protection of Your privacy as a very important principle. We understand clearly that You and Your Personal Information is one of Our most important assets. We store and process Your Information including any sensitive financial information collected (as defined under the Information Technology Act, 2000), if any, on computers that may be protected by physical as well as reasonable technological security measures and procedures in accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and Rules there under. If You object to Your Information being transferred or used in this way please do not use Platform.

We may share personal information with our other corporate entities and affiliates. These entities and affiliates may market to you as a result of such sharing unless you explicitly opt-out.

We may disclose personal information to third parties as it may be required for us to provide you access to our Services, to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our User Agreement, to facilitate our marketing and advertising activities, or to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities related to our Services. We do not disclose your personal information to third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes without your explicit consent.

We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process. We may disclose personal information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners, or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.

We and our affiliates will share/sell some or all of your personal information with another business entity should we (or our assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity, or re-organization, amalgamation, restructuring of business. Should such a transaction occur that other business entity (or the new combined entity) will be required to follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.

10. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

This Platform, all the materials and products (including but not limited to software) and services, included on or otherwise made available to You through this site are provided on "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or warranties, express or implied except otherwise specified in writing. Without prejudice to the forgoing paragraph, INSECTA does not warrant that:

A.  This Platform will be constantly available, or available at all; or

B.  The information on this Platform is complete, true, accurate or non-misleading.

C.  Nothing on Platform constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind and any proceeding to sale is Your personal perception, evaluation, and decision about both qualitative and quantitative aspects of product/services on this Platform.

D.  All the Products sold on Platform are governed by different state laws and if Seller is unable to deliver such Products due to implications of different state laws, Seller will return or will give credit for the amount (if any) received in advance by Seller from the sale of such Product that could not be delivered to You.

11. Services


A.  While availing any of the payment method/s available on the Platform, we will not be responsible or assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to You due to:

i.  Lack of authorization for any transaction/s, or

ii.  Exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by You and between "Bank/s", or

iii.  Any payment issues arising out of the transaction, or

iv.  Decline of transaction for any other reason/s

B.  All payments made against the purchases/services on Platform by you shall be compulsorily in Indian Rupees acceptable in the Republic of India. Platform will neither offer not facilitate transaction with respect to any other form of currency with respect to the purchases made on Platform.

C.  Before shipping/delivering your order to You, Seller may request You to provide supporting documents (including but not limited to Govt. issued ID and address proof) to establish the ownership of the payment instrument used by you for your purchase.


A.  Transactions, Transaction Price and all commercial terms such as Delivery, Dispatch of products and/or services are as per principal to principal bipartite contractual obligations between Buyer and Seller and payment facility is merely used by the Buyer and Seller to facilitate the completion of the Transaction.

B.  You consent that the payment facility provided by INSECTA is neither a banking nor financial service but is only an expediter providing an electronic, automated online electronic payment, receiving payment through Cash On Delivery (COD hereafter), collection and remittance facility for the Transactions on the INSECTA Platform using the existing authorized banking infrastructure and Credit Card payment gateway networks. Further, by providing Payment Facility, INSECTA is neither acting as trustee nor acting in a fiduciary capacity with respect to the Transaction or the Transaction Price.

Payment Facility for Buyers

A.  Upon initiating a Transaction, You, as a Buyer, understand that You are entering into a legally binding and enforceable contract with the Seller to purchase the products and /or services from the Seller using the Payment Facility, and You shall pay the Transaction Price through Your Issuing Bank to the Seller using Payment Facility.

B.  You, as a Buyer, shall be entitled to claim a refund of the Transaction Price (as Your sole and exclusive remedy) in case You do not receive the Delivery within the time period agreed in the Transaction or within the time period as provided in the Policies, whichever is earlier. In case you do not raise a refund claim using Platform features within the stipulated time than this would make You ineligible for a refund.

C.  You, as a Buyer, understand that the Payment Facility may not be available in full or in part for certain category of products and/or services and/or Transactions as mentioned in the Policies and hence You may not be entitled to a refund in respect of the Transactions for those products and /or services

D.  Except for Cash On Delivery transaction, refund, if any, shall be made at the same Issuing Bank from where Transaction Price was received, or through any other method available on the Platform, as chosen by You.

E.  For Cash On Delivery transactions, refunds, if any, will be made via electronic payment transfers.

F.  Refund shall be made in Indian Rupees only and shall be equivalent to the Transaction Price received in Indian Rupees.

G.  For electronics payments, refund shall be made through payment facility using NEFT / RTGS or any other online banking / electronic funds transfer system approved by Reserve Bank India (RBI).

H.  Refunds may be supported for select banks. Where a bank is not supported for processing refunds, You will be required to share alternate bank account details with us for processing the refund.

I.  Refund shall be conditional and shall be with recourse available to INSECTA in case of any misuse by Buyer.

J.  We may also request you for additional documents for verification.

K.  Refund shall be subject to Buyer complying with Policies.

L.  INSECTA reserves the right to impose limits on the number of Transactions or Transaction Price which INSECTA may receive from on an individual Valid Credit/Debit/ Cash Card / Valid Bank Account/ and such other infrastructure or any other financial instrument directly or indirectly through payment aggregator or through any such facility authorized by Reserve Bank of India to provide enabling support facility for collection and remittance of payment or by an individual Buyer during any time period, and reserves the right to refuse to process Transactions exceeding such limit.

M.  INSECTA reserves the right to refuse to process Transactions by Buyers with a prior history of questionable charges including without limitation breach of any agreements by Buyer with INSECTA or breach/violation of any law or any charges imposed by Issuing Bank or breach of any policy.

N.  INSECTA may do such checks as it deems fit before approving the receipt of/Buyers commitment to pay (for Cash On Delivery transactions) Transaction Price from the Buyer for security or other reasons at the discretion of INSECTA. As a result of such check if INSECTA is not satisfied with the credibility of the Buyer or genuineness of the Transaction or other reasons at its sole discretion, INSECTA shall have the right to reject the receipt of / Buyers commitment to pay Transaction Price. For avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that the ‘Cash on Delivery’ feature for payment, may be disabled for certain account users, at the sole discretion of INSECTA.

O.  INSECTA may delay notifying the payment confirmation i.e. informing Seller to Dispatch, if INSECTA deems suspicious or for Buyers conducting high transaction volumes to ensure safety of the Transaction and Transaction Price. In addition, INSECTA may hold Transaction Price and INSECTA may not inform Seller to Dispatch or remit Transaction Price to law enforcement officials (instead of refunding the same to Buyer) at the request of law enforcement officials or in the event the Buyer is engaged in any form of illegal activity.

P.  The Buyer and Seller acknowledge that INSECTA will not be liable for any damages, interests or claims etc. resulting from not processing a Transaction/Transaction Price or any delay in processing a Transaction/Transaction Price which is beyond control of INSECTA.

Compliance with Laws

A.  As required by  law, for any purchase of an amount equal to or above ₹2,00,000.00, the Customer will be required to submit a scanned copy of his/her PAN card to INSECTA, within 3 days of making the purchase, failing which, the purchase made by the Customer will be cancelled. The requirement to submit the PAN card arises only once and if it has been submitted once by the Customer, it need not be submitted again. The order of the Customer shall stand cancelled if there is a discrepancy between the name of the Customer, as declared, and the name on the PAN Card.

B.  Buyer and Seller shall comply with all the applicable laws including without limitation:

i.  Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999

ii.  Customs Act

iii.  Information and Technology Act, 2000 as amended by the Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008

iv.  Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and the rules made there under

v.  Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 and the rules made there under

vi.  Income Tax Act, 1961 and the rules made there under

vii.  Export Import Policy of government of India

Buyer's arrangement with Issuing Bank

A.  All Valid Credit / Debit/ Cash Card/ and other payment instruments are processed using a Credit Card payment gateway or appropriate payment system infrastructure and the same will also be governed by the terms and conditions agreed to between the Buyer and the respective Issuing Bank and payment instrument issuing company.

B.  All Online Bank Transfers from Valid Bank Accounts are processed using the gateway provided by the respective Issuing Bank which support Payment Facility to provide these services to the Users. All such Online Bank Transfers on Payment Facility are also governed by the terms and conditions agreed to between Buyer and the respective Issuing Bank.

Digital Content

A.  These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of “Content”. By viewing the Contents you agree to be bound by these Terms. Content posted on the Platform is public and can be viewed by everyone who can see the Page.

B.  INSECTA is hosting the Content created/provided by the manufacturers/importers (“Content Owner”), for the convenience of Platform Users, and as such, INSECTA has no ownership or control whatsoever in the Contents displayed. The Contents posted on the platform are of personal views wherein INSECTA plays no role other than representing the Content. You are responsible for your use of the Platform for viewing the Content.

C.  By hosting the Content on the Platform, INSECTA, unless the manufacturer, is neither guaranteeing nor giving any warranty nor making any representation with respect to the Contents. INSECTA is neither endorsing the views, products or the Services, nor is it responsible for quality or features of the content displayed on the Platform.

D.  Any information on the Platform, whether the content or any other information, have not been verified by INSECTA, therefore, INSECTA shall not be responsible for any such content or information. INSECTA will not bear any obligation or liability if You rely on the Contents

E.  If You choose to view or rely, INSECTA will neither be a party to nor in any manner concerned with the same nor be liable or responsible for any act or omission of the Content Owner.

F.  You hereby acknowledge that the Contents are created and owned by who own all the rights including the copyrights in the contents.

G.  We reserve the right to remove Content that violates the Terms of Use, including for example, copyright or trademark violations, impersonation, unlawful conduct, or harassment.

H.  If you see an offensive, abusive, or any unlawful content on the Platform, you can report it to

I.  We may revise these Terms from time to time.


You shall indemnify and hold harmless INSECTA, its owner, licensee, affiliates, subsidiaries, group companies (as applicable) and their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees, from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of Your breach of this Terms of Use, privacy Policy and other Policies, or Your violation of any law, rules or regulations or the rights (including infringement of intellectual property rights) of a third party.

Applicable Law

Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of India. The place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively in Bhubaneswar.

Jurisdictional Issues/Sale in India Only

Unless otherwise specified, the material on the Platform is presented solely for the purpose of sale in India. INSECTA make no representation that materials in the Platform are appropriate or available for use in other locations/Countries other than India. Those who choose to access this site from other locations/Countries other than India do so on their own initiative and INSECTA is not responsible for supply of products/refund for the products ordered from other locations/Countries other than India, compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

Trademark, Copyright and Restriction

This site is controlled and operated by INSECTA and products are sold by INSECTA/Sellers. All material on this site, including images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips, are protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights owned by the respective manufacturers. Material on Platform is solely for Your personal, non-commercial use. You must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute such material in any way, including by email or other electronic means and whether directly or indirectly and You must not assist any other person to do so. Without the prior written consent of the owner, modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other Platform or networked computer environment or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited. Any use for which You receive any remuneration, whether in money or otherwise, is a commercial use for the purposes of this clause.

INSECTA respects the intellectual property of others. In case You feel that Your Trademark has been infringed, You can write to INSECTA at

Profanity Policy

INSECTA prohibits the use of language that is Racist, Hateful, Sexual, Obscene or against the Indic/Bharatiya civilisational values in nature in a public area or digital space.

This policy extends to Text, Images or images carrying recognisable texts within listings, on Product/Review pages and all other areas of the site that another User may view. Please report any violations of this policy to

o  Report offensive Display Names
o  Report offensive language in a listing or otherwise

INSECTA will consider the circumstances of an alleged policy violation and accordingly disciplinary action may result in a formal warning, temporary suspension, the indefinite suspension of a User's account, or a legal proceeding.

INSECTA shall have the right to delete a product review posted by the customer at its sole discretion, if it is of the opinion that the review contains offensive language as stated above.

Further, if INSECTA is of the opinion that the review unfairly either: (i) Biased, (ii) Out of context,  (iii) causes disadvantage to a product; or (iv) increases the popularity of the product, INSECTA shall have the right to delete/edit the customer review. INSECTA shall also, at its sole discretion have the right to blacklist the customer from posting any further customer reviews.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall insecta be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind in connection with these terms of use, even if user has been informed in advance of the possibility of such damages.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any questions or comments (including all inquiries unrelated to copyright infringement) regarding this Platform.

In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under and the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:

Dr. Trinath Kar
Plot No 52/94, Road No. 11, Mahavir Nagar
Samantarapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751002, India


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