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  • Type III Alpha Gypsum Plaster
  • Excellent Strength & reduced porosity
  • *Not to be sold outside Odisha
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A Type III Green Stone 1 kg 95 70
  • Type-III alpha gypsum plaster
  • Better flow properties
  • Superior reproduction of details
  • Reduced porosity and lesser bubbles

Guidance for Use

  • Take premeasured quantity of water (30 ml) and Plaster (100 gm), use a clean mixing bowl, add plaster to water. Do not add water to plaster
  • Allow the plaster to soak for 30 seconds
  • Mix vigorously to form a lump and bubble free paste/slurry
  • Pour the cast under vibration
  • Remove the cast after 45 minutes from impression
  • Gypsum products are hygroscopic by nature and should be stored in an air-tight container preventing ingress of moisture

Performance Data

  • Water Plaster ratio:    30 ml/100 gms
  • Soaking time:    30 Seconds
  • Mixing time: 1 Min.
  • Working time: 4 Min.
  • Initial setting time: 10 Min.
  • Ready for use: 30 Min.
  • Wet compressive strength: 250 Kg/cm2 (After 2 Hr.)
  • Dry compressive strength: 500 Kg/cm2
  • Setting expansion: 0.2% Max.


To create moulds after dental impressions


1 kg Polypack

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