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Curious Case of W&H Air-Turbine

Model:     TE-95 BC
Make:      W&H
Owner:    From Solapur, Maharashtra

Among all Air-Turbine manufacturers, the Austrian based W&H has a niche of its reputation among its die-hard faithfuls. Most of those who have ever had the experience of working with these larger than life-size  Air-Turbines, will probably won’t settle for less. Gone are the good old days of those elegant mono-block structures of W&H Air-Turbines - head and body were crafted from a single piece of metal block.

Fear leads to fatality. W&H, probably to save their product from Chinese counterfeits, altered the time proven conventional design and replaced with a technically imperfect one where the bearing carried the supporting O’ rings and the wave spring washers. This inconvenient migration, results in more frequent malfunction of its devices. Some of them, including the one documented here after, are entirely inexplicable. It was curious enough that the rear bearing was broken in slices into two parts.

Integrated slots to hold the O’ rings results a structurally weaker bearing which could be the reason of such rare breakage. The user mishandling of the instrument may not be discounted though. The biggest drawback of deviating from the conventional design is the lack of aftersales services. As the W&H unique bearings and other spares were not available, as of now, its maintenance and repairing is next to impossible. But with us at M/s. INSECTA, it is not the case. Here too, we were able to find a solution. If one recalls, Dentsply Sirona markets Midwest range of Air-Turbines. Midwest air-turbines make use of a specialised flanged bearing. With little alteration, this flanged bearing  could function with W&H air-turbines.


  • The W&H TE-95 BC cartridge was disassembled, de-greased and cleaned under ultrasonic activation.
  • Mass unbalance was corrected.
  • Midwest type ceramic bearing of Myonic GmbH make were mounted.
  • Wave springs were modified to match the Midwest bearings and loaded at the either side.
  • Cartridge were pre-lubricated and later air-dried.
  • Final assembly of cartridge was done to complete the repairing task.

It has been 2½ years and it feels good to know that it is still working when last contacted for feedback.

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